Our Courses:
- 24 Sessions over 3 months
Level 1 - Absolute Beginners
This level will help a child to master fundamentals of game – a ‘Building Block’. The basics covered in this level of chess course are:
- Introduction to the Game of Chess
- Nature of the Game
- Origin & Colourful History of the Game
- Chessboard & Chessmen
- Rules for Moving & Capturing
- Chess Notations
- Special Chess Moves in Castling & En-Passant
- What is a Check?
- Principles to get the King out of Check
- Values of Forces
- Checkmate
- 24 Sessions over 3 months
Level 2 - Advanced Beginners
This module for Advanced Beginners covers the following:
- Elementary Checkmate with Two Rooks
- Elementary Checkmates with a Queen
- Art of Delivering Checkmate in One move
- Developing Technique to win when having large material advantage
- Learning to Exchange Correctly
- Basics of Opening Strategy
- Common Checkmating Ideas
- 40 Sessions over 6 months
Level 3 - Intermediate Chess Players
This module covers the following:
- Elementary Checkmate with 1 Rook
- Elementary Checkmate with Double Bishops
- Introduction to Chess Tactics & Art of Combining Pieces
- Pin
- Knight Fork
- Double Attack
- Skewer Attack
- Back Rank
- Discovered Attack
- Discovered Check
- Destroying the Defender
The start of the module will also see students being encouraged to the fascinating world of ‘Chess Tournaments’!
- 48 Sessions over 6 months
Level 4 -Advanced Chess Players
In this module the students would be introduced to the world of ‘Chess Endings’. It will cover Basic Endings which a player needs to know:
- The Concept of Opposition
- Rule of the Square
- King & Pawn Endings
- Queen v/s Pawn
- Knight v/s Pawn
- Rook v/s Pawn
- Queen v/s Rook
- Fundamentals of Rook Endings
We will also aim for students to get FIDE Rating by encouraging to participate in official tournaments.
- 48 Sessions over 6 months
Level 5 -Advanced (Level-II) Chess Players
This module will cover Advanced Tactics & Elementary Checkmates as under:
- Elementary Checkmate Bishop & Knight
- Checkmating Patterns
- Introduction to Chess Tactics & Art of Combining Pieces
- Decoy
- Deflection
- Overloaded Piece
- Line Opening & Closing
- Square Vacation
- Passed Pawn
- Zwischenzug
- Drawing Combinations
- X-Ray Attack
- Windmills
- 96 Sessions over 12 months
Level 5 -Advanced (Level-III) Chess Players
This is the final training module of Indian Chess School wherein we will aim students to excel at State, National & International Chess Tournaments: