Our Coaches

Our training is informed and strengthened by our accredited trainers, thereby ensuring exposure to the latest thinking and theory.

Sandesh Nagarnaik

Age: 48 years
Peak FIDE Rating: Nil
Chess Title:  International Arbiter (IA)
Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics)
Training Experience: 11 years

Dr. Rajesh Nair

Age: 49 years
Peak Rating: 1227
Chess Title: Developmental Instructor (DI), FIDE Arbiter (FA)
Qualification: PHD
Training Experience: 11-years 

Jagannathan Govind

Age: 47 years
Peak Rating: 1430
Chess Title: AICF CIS Instructor
Training Experience: 8-years
Qualification: MBA (International Business & Marketing)

Sudhir Pimple

Age: 39 years
Peak FIDE Rating: 1145
Chess Title: AICF CIS Instructor
Qualification: Bachelor of Commerce
Training Experience: 9-years

Chetan Mhatre

Age: 28 years
Peak FIDE Rating: 1145
Chess Title: Senior National Arbiter (SNA)
Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication), Diploma in chess
Training Experience: 05 years

Most Popular Course:

Mastering Python Programming

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