THE CHESS COURSE – 25th Anniversary Edition


The Chess Course
(25th Anniversary Edition)
Author: Praful Zaveri
ISBN: 978-81-7525-816-7
No of Pages: 360
Paper Size: A4
Training Sessions: 74
Exercises: 510

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Being a master at chess is something that has been eluding a very large section of chess players over centuries.

There was a time when it was believed that the chess skills were directly related to intelligence & it wasn’t possible to improve at chess. “Blonde plays well & Brunette doesn’t, and that is not going to change” was the famous saying.

However, the efforts of the chess masters over 200 years and the chess literature by them has proven that it’s possible to improve chess playing skills with scientific approach, information, passion & hard work.
“The Chess Course” by FIDE Trainer Praful Zaveri can be viewed as a notable contribution to the chess literature.

With a simple language & hundreds of illustrative examples, the author has made a genuine effort to help the readers improve their chess playing skills.

Taking into account the complex nature of the sport & it’s rules, the author has divided “The Chess Course” in six sessions, starting from the introduction to the game and gradually increasing the standards to a successful club player. By including hundreds of illustrative examples from master play, the author has given an opportunity to the readers to understand the thinking process of the champions, the most significant factor.

Players with casual approach, beware! This is not for you! But change your attitude & the way to success is opening doors to you!

Recommended to all players, trainers & parents.

Grandmaster Pravin Thipday


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